Tektites & Libyan Glass LDG Meteorites have their own page HERE
Tektites (from Greek tektos, molten) are natural glass rocks up to a few centimetres in size, which most scientists argue were formed by the impact of large meteorites on Earth's surface. Tektites are typically black or olive-green (such Libya Glass), and their shape varies from rounded (spherical) to irregular (splash from or tear drops etc.). Tektites are amongst the "driest" rocks, with an average water content of 0.005%. This is very unusual, as most if not all of the craters where tektites may have formed were underwater before impact.
Libyan Desert Glass LDG Desert Glass is formed under extreme pressure and intense heat, when a meteorite hits the earth. Libyan Desert Glass (LDG) is a tektite/impactite found in Egypt. It is also called the Great Sand Sea Glass. Age is dated to between 26-29 Million years old and is almost 98% wt. Pure Silica. Each piece is a beautiful lime green colour, opaque and slightly weathered. Average length of most is 1.0cm - 1.5cm unless otherwise stated, All come boxed and labelled. Smaller pieces will be available from time to time also. Please also see the INDOCHINITE tektites at the bottom of this page for a good contrasting material. Larger A Grade sections available below. This material is expensive and is ideal for the collector who wants the very best there is. It is increasingly hard to source this material due to war in the region.
A GRADE Quality Libyan Glass (Comes boxed and labelled)
Irgizite Tektites from the Zhamanshin Crater, Kazakhstan More soon!
Natural & Polished Indochinite Spherical & Teardrop Tektites (Thailand) Tektites (from Greek tektos, molten) are natural glass rocks up to a few centimetres in size, which most scientists argue were formed by the impact of large meteorites on Earth's surface. Tektites are typically black or olive-green (such Libya Glass), and their shape varies from rounded (spherical) to irregular (splash from or tear drops etc.). Tektites are amongst the "driest" rocks, with an average water content of 0.005%. This is very unusual, as most if not all of the craters where tektites may have formed were underwater before impact.
Also, partially melted zircons have been discovered inside a handful of tektites. This, along with the water content, suggests that the tektites were formed under phenomenal temperature and pressure not normally found on the surface of the Earth Each piece comes boxed and labelled. Many have been polished to a high gloss finish to show the beautiful lustre of the natural glass. Large, as found natural quality tektites are also available below in different forms, some are bigger specimens.