Dawn Redwood Plants
Dawn Redwood Plant 05
Dawn Redwood Plant 06
Dawn Redwood Plant 012
Dawn Redwood Plant 014
Dawn Redwood Plant 015
Dawn Redwood Plant 016
Dawn Redwood Plant 017
Dawn Redwood Plant 018
Dawn Redwood Plant 020
Dawn Redwood Plant 021
Dawn Redwood Plant 024
Dawn Redwood Plant 025
Dawn Redwood Plant 027
Dawn Redwood Plant 028
Dawn Redwood Plant 033
Dawn Redwood Plant 034
Dawn Redwood Plant 035
Green River Winged Seed Plant 038
Green River Winged Seed Plant 040
Green River Winged Seed Plant 041
Green River Winged Seed Plant 042
Green River Winged Seed Plant 043
Green River Cedrelospermum nervosum Plant Leaf 053
Green River Triumfetta ovata Plant Leaf 055
Green River Zelkova nervosa (Keaki Tree) Plant Leaf 056
Green River Cedrelospermum nervosum Plant Leaf 054
Green River Caesalpinites falcata Plant Leaf 058
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 183
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 184
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 185
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 186
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 187
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 188
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 189
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 190
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone 191
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone and twig set 192
Dawn Redwood Fossil Cone and Staminate Cone set 193
Green River Deciduous Tree/Plant stems Set 1
Green River Zelkova nervosa (Keaki Tree) Plant Leaf 070